
Welcome to ePAAS

ePAAS is Alberta's Electronic Public Agency Appointment System

To create an ePAAS account, please provide an email address and select a password.

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Terms and Policy

The personal information in the electronic Public Agency Appointments System (ePAAS) is being collected and used pursuant to section 33(c) and section 39(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected so that you may apply for current public agency appointment opportunities using the ePAAS. Personal information will be disclosed to associated/participating ministries in the appointment selection process to determine the eligibility of candidates. Non-identifying information collected in the ePAAS will be used for statistical and research purposes.

Questions regarding the collection, use, or disclosure of this information, may be directed to Public Agency Secretariat by email at or by calling 780-644-3060.

By clicking on the "Agree to the terms and policy" checkbox, you acknowledge this privacy notice and will be able to create an ePAAS account and submit your resume and other related documents through the online application process. Should you choose not to use the online process, as an alternative, you can send your material to the mailing address provided in the posting.

Your account information will be managed according to the Alberta government's record retention schedules and processes.